Rus / Eng

Corporate Culture Transformation Methodology  

“The en­gine of every­thing we do is our val­ues. We are look­ing for en­ter­pris­ing and open‐minded peo­ple who want to work and share suc­cess together”.

Scott McDonald (President and CEO, Oliver Wyman, Marsh&McLennan Companies, Inc.)

The key char­ac­ter­is­tics of a mod­ern fast‐growing com­pany are the high­est flex­i­bil­ity in mak­ing strate­gic de­ci­sions and the abil­ity to quickly and ef­fec­tively re­spond to the chal­lenges of the time (En­ter­prise Agility).

Ob­vi­ously, for most medium and large or­ga­ni­za­tions, a high pace of de­vel­op­ment is critical.

Re­search by com­pa­nies that are world lead­ers in busi­ness and strate­gic con­sult­ing (in­clud­ing McK­in­sey & Com­pany) have shown that bring­ing the cor­po­rate cul­ture to the level of the best world prac­tices sig­nif­i­cantly in­creases the ef­fi­ciency of func­tion­ing, since it al­lows to max­i­mize the cre­ative po­ten­tial and abil­ity of em­ploy­ees to innovate.

The orig­i­nal Cor­po­rate Cul­ture Trans­for­ma­tion Method­ol­ogy is based on in­side knowl­edge of the cor­po­rate cul­ture fea­tures of the world’s best British, Ger­man and Amer­i­can com­pa­nies, some of which have been suc­cess­fully op­er­at­ing for over 120 years and are rec­og­nized as world leaders.

Af­ter the trans­for­ma­tion project is fin­ished, the method­ol­ogy helps to build the com­pany in such a way that this com­pany be­comes the Pre­ferred Em­ployer, and the newly adopted real Value Sys­tem (not just de­clared in words) makes it pos­si­ble to fully re­veal the tal­ent of employees.

Par­tic­u­lar at­ten­tion is paid to im­prov­ing the decision‐making pro­ce­dures of the lead­ers of the Clients’ com­pa­nies, ex­pand­ing the con­scious­ness of lead­ers and in­ten­si­fy­ing the processes of cre­at­ing and im­ple­ment­ing innovations.

The method­ol­ogy al­lows you to har­mo­nize the ef­forts of em­ploy­ees and dra­mat­i­cally ac­cel­er­ate the de­vel­op­ment of the company.

Re­peat­edly proven effectiveness

De­signed by Ap­preus Studio 

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